Crazy Fox Rainbow + My Miami Monthly Growth


O.K, so after seeing a few of these and being asked by a few people to share some of my chalice growth pics I decided to do it with my 2 best chalices. The My Miami from my growout and the Crazy Fox Rainbow I just got 2 days ago in a trade with my buddy Cuong from Bay Corals.
This will be painfully slow with the crazy fox as it is tiny. The My Miami was by far the smallest piece I got in my growout and was about the same size as the crazy fox is now. Its been 5 and a half weeks since I got the My Miami and its been 2 days since I got the crazy fox. Enjoy

My Miami day 1


My Miami 2 weeks


My Miami: 1 month old in this pic. pic is from 2 weeks ago

Nice pics, sweet chalices, slow grow. Why is it the then the more outrages the colors, the slower the growth and not to mention prices.
The My Miami is a relatively fast grower but chalices don't start to take off till at least 2 eyes, the crazy fox I am told is however a slow grower. The faster they grow the faster they lose value as well so the crazy fox will probably keep its value longer then the My Miami will.

Here are the Mother colonies for those that have not seen what they will grow to some day.

My Miami Parent Colony:


Crazy Fox Parent Colony:

gjhnbhgnj Excuse me for the gibberish letters as my jaw just dropped and hit the keyboard.