Deepwater DC5


Hello .
Thanks for the add. My question is this .
I bought a Deepwater aquatic DC5 pump yesterday from a local store it was missing the intake barb and return barb . I spoke with the seller he said it would take him a few weeks to get the parts so I called the company and no one answers emailed them and it’s a bad email address . I just tore down my 125 FOWLR to upgrade to 180 and I am using my ehiem return pump from the other tank . Where can I buy the parts online to get them faster .
McMaster seems to be a good go to for barb fittings and that type of stuff.

I have also seen stuff like that st uline.
I am. The but I don’t know of a local shop that has good fittings other than Lowe’s or Home Depot but they are very limited
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