Devils Hand Leather


Definitely seeing where this coral got it's name, I changed the flow a little tonight and one of the hands came up pretty creepy. When I first noticed the resemblance to a reaching devils hand my clown fish was right in the curled hand but once the camera was out he was not repeating.

How big do these get, I swear this thing has grown by maybe a third in the month I have had it and new hands are forming.
That is a creepy looking coral................but very cool.

Have to put that on my list of corals to watch for.
If you ever frag it, let me know. I like how it's a reddish color.........fits the name better.
They can grow pretty massive, and are usually quite easy to frag. Cut 1-4" frags, impale with plastic toothpicks, loosely hold on a chunk of rubble with a rubber band, leave the frags alone until the rubber band falls off and the frags should be attached.
Thanks John, do you cut off the the tips or cut off a whole hand from the base and cut that into 1-4" pieces.

not looking to do it yet but it is getting larger and will need to trim sooner or later, would be nice to be able to propagate.
Either way, I'd go with tips but just about anything will likely work.
I would cut it in a way that suits where its at. If its just a tip, that's fine, if you have to remove a whole tentacle, that's fine too. This is one of those corals you can basically do no wrong with. And thay can get massive.
You could likely just cut, dry, glue wait a few minutes and be fine, I do it all the time

Most times it sticks
best bet is the cut, rubble, tooth pick, most soft corals produce too much slime for glue to be of much use. The way I do it id either make cutting and place them in a low flow area on rubble in about a week they always attach to the rubble, the other way is to cut, insert a tooth pick through the bottom and use either fishing line or a rubber band , going around the ends of the tooth pick to a piece of rubble or plug. Then again in about a week it has attached and I remove the tooth pick and fishing line.