Does anyone one here own a Life Reef Sump?


Finally enjoying my tank
I am on his list to get one, but I was wondering if anyone on here has one. A lot of people on RC have them, but not sure if I want to wait for one.

Thanks Derek
I have one, just ripped it out last night to do a total clean out of it and the equipment.

What questions do you have?
I was wondering if you are happy with them, and if you feel it was worth it? I am on the list to get one in July, and looking forward to getting it. He has one already made the size I need, but not sure the setup I want, and this tank is going to be what I want. Are you happy with the performance, and would you change anything? Also if you have any picture of it could you post them? I could PM you my cell if thats easier to send

Thanks Derek
I do not think the cylinders are worth it but otherwise it's great
Well the "holders" are built in place. I use one canister to hold the manifold up and repurposed the two other valves to run a Gfo reactors and my ca rx
I think if you have room in your sump area. Get the biggest refugium you can. Also. Plan for extra space for any submerged pumps you may want to run downstream.
Thats the problem I am having. I had a 120, and plenty of room. I want to do a 60 cube, but I don't know about the room under the tank. I had a calcium reactor, but this one I will be dosing, but don't know where I am going to keep everything.

Thanks for the info
Derek. Check out trigger systems sumps. I was planning on the ruby 20" cube. Nice looking and under 350 with great reviews. Not to through off your thread. Don't have to wait months either
Personally, while I'm happy with Jeff's work, I don't buy into his whole system. I would consider a trigger or mrc sump on a new build. I think Jeff's ability to customize a "system" for small compartments is where he has a leg up. In a lot of situations where space isn't a main issue, there are other, quicker, cheaper options
They have great reviews from all the looking I did. 20x20 with a nice front fuge area and probe holders in the ruby series. Plus had a good size skimmer section.
That exactly my thoughts. I am leaning toward him as space is a premium, but if I am going to be dosing and not be able to fit storage containers beneath I don't see the point. I have never doses so I am not even sure what o would need
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