Drilling small hole in acrylic

That's a 3/8 paddle bit through 1/8 acrylic. I happened to be working with acrylic tonight. I'm building my sump. Figured I would get it nice and close to the edge to show how well they work.
Less chance of those bits cracking acrylic as you go up in acrylic thickness too from what I have seen.
True, spade bits do work well and they are cheap.

Note that when they get small enough (at least the set I have) they stop having the points on the edges of the cutting face and go to just a straight wedge shape. Both work, but the sizes with the points on the outer tips (kind of like a brad point drill) work better than the ones without.
That was pretty convincing and I already have a bit. Thank you for posting the videos.
Good. It's always unnerving when it's a built tank. Sometimes it's good to buy some scrap and do a few holes first to know what to expect
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