Excited newbie here!!


Reading through your setup just blew my mind!!! awesome!!

Thanks, I appreciate it...it's a continuing evolution...There is always some new ingenius approach that you have to have an open mind to...Just don't jump on the bandwagon for everything you see being posted till it is for sure proven!!! (I think that is the best advice someone with long experience can give you to help you grow in this hobby.... Take care...
Let the cycle begin!!


I'll start a photo thread of the build soon.
Rock is 30lbs of dry Marco seeded with about 3lbs of live from Skipton's. Sand is 20lbs of dry seeded with 10lbs of Nature's Ocean bio-active.
Thank you. I can't stop staring....I just want to add life to it, but I'm gonna be patient!!
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Ben Johnson
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