February 2010 Photo Contest


pr (BearMon)
February 2010 Theme: Inverts, Starfish & Clams (any 1 or combination)

-->Lightning Round!!!<--

Each member may submit 2 photos for each contest.

>>>The prize -- A $50.00 gift certificate to the sponsor of your choice<<<

A few ground rules to help make this a successful contest:

- a different theme will be picked each month, and will be announced on the appropriate thread

- each contest will have two phases: photo submission (about 2 weeks), and voting (about 1 week)

- photos must be sent by email to this address: photocontest(at)bostonreefers(dot)org ; please include your forum screen name in the email message ; please do not post photos on this thread (if you need help with sending a photo by email, don't hesitate to PM or email me)

- I will collect all the photos (in order to "anonymize" them as much as possible -- but I will not remove any copyright/author information on the photos themselves) and then post them on a voting thread where members can vote for their favorite image

- each member can submit at most 2 photos each month; you must be a paid member of the BRS in order to enter the contest and claim your prize -- another great reason to join or renew your membership! The winner of the previous month will not be eligible for the current contest.

- photos must be JPEGs, no larger than 800x600 pixels, and no bigger than 144KBytes; please try to submit as large a picture as possible within those limits

- photos should be judged according to content (must be within the theme for the month, I reserve the right to exclude photos that are clearly outside the theme), composition, color, and other relevant criteria

- the winner will be determined at the end of the voting, and will have the opportunity to present their photo at the next monthly meeting (assuming a computer and video projector is available) and talk a bit about the challenges involved in making the image and about the subject of the photo (time limited to about 5 minutes)

- "stuffing" the ballot box is not permitted; this includes registering for multiple accounts on the system, as well as asking friends, family, co-workers and other non-reefers to join and vote (because we do not want "dead" accounts on the system). This is meant to be a friendly competition among reef hobbyists, please help keep it that way.

- photos that have won earlier contests cannot be re-entered into a contest

- you must have taken the photo yourself

Any questions or comments, feel free to post here or contact me directly.

Feb 2010 Theme: Inverts, Starfish & Clams (any 1 or combination)

Prize: A $50.00 gift certificate to the sponsor of your choice

Submit photos to:
[email protected]

Submission Deadline: February 20th Midnight
Voting: February 21st - February 28th
Presentation of prize: TBD

SuperBowl Sunday morning bump, short month so get em' in......

Want = Saints by 10 :)
Think = Colts by 3 after coming back from a 14pt deficit. :(
Let's get those pics submitted, we have had lots of entries in this category before so lets see them.