feeding suggestions


hi everyone.

hope someone can give me some suggestions here.
I have a medium size yellow tang, small damsel, black&orange clown fish in my 75g.
I only feed them once every other days.

Wasn't sure this is too much? too little? Your comments would greatly appreciate very much.

thank you
i feed x amount evryday as long as the fish eats x amount when you throw it in the tank you should be ok over feeding to me is when the excess food is allover youre tank instead of the fishes belly my vlaminjii tang has nori sheet once a day and thera in the morning and thats only because hes a fatso and i cant resists his way of begging this crap about the fish only eating about the size of there eyeball evry other day is not for me i like my guys nice and plump other than anerxic and skinny
your tang is gonna need so much more than that to stay healthy, where as the damsel and clowns will most likely be fine... best thing to do is get some green nori and a veggie clip, and put a piece on there everyday for him to graze on at will, daily... in the wild, and along with their incredible metabolisms, tangs eat and pick constantly throughout the day... do not let anyone tell you differently, as too many people do not feed their tangs enough, or their anthias for that matter... i have seen this first hand while snorkling in Maui many many times, and sometimes for hours on end... if your tang is about 4" in length, he should probably be started with a 3" x 3" peice, folded up and put in the clip, and replaced fresh daily, while removing what is not eaten from the previous day... and then from there you can kind of gage what to put in each day... aside from the nori (seaweed), use your judgement of how much to feed of the other foods... if there is still some floating around after a couple moments, cut back the next time...

I feed my purple tang upwards of 4 times a day, on the days i dont give him a 4' x 3" peice of nori... he gets purple, red and green nori on a rotating basis... along with mysis (rinsed thoroughly), spectrum small pellets, and Omega one protein flakes... dont ever bother with brine shrimp, as they offer no nutrition whatsoever, even the vitamen enriched or gut loaded ones for that matter...

sorry i havent gotten a chance to get back to your last pms Tran, i will be in touch soon :) and again, feel free to ask anything and i will help where i can...
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There's no real clear cut answer in my view. Depends on your other tank inhabitants, your goals with the tank and your setup. The more you feed, the larger they grow. In a 75 with a tang, you may not want to feed that often, as the tang may quickly outgrow the tank. You may also have to have concerns about sps if you don't have very good nutrient export--as the more you feed, ultimately the more nitrates you will have in the tank and coral (especially sps) can be very fussy about even modest nitrates. If you have a young tank, you're going to have some problems with the reef part of your tank the more you feed and the more nitrates and ammonia build up. If you have excellent skimming, significant live rock and an effective refugium, you may get away with daily feedings, but it also depends on the amount of food per feeding. Several very small feedings a day are probably the best if you have the time. My 2c.
hi everyone.

hope someone can give me some suggestions here.
I have a medium size yellow tang, small damsel, black&orange clown fish in my 75g.
I only feed them once every other days.

Wasn't sure this is too much? too little? Your comments would greatly appreciate very much.

thank you

watch the tangs belly, they do need to eat because they are so active........................
I would think the tang needs to eat every day
watch the tangs belly, they do need to eat because they are so active........................
I would think the tang needs to eat every day

perfect answer tangs belly bulge out when fed properly and look all skinny when they havent ate ultimateley keep his stomach full for a good growing healthy fish just think about if you swam all day long but youre trainer fed you evry other day
hi everyone.

hope someone can give me some suggestions here.
I have a medium size yellow tang, small damsel, black&orange clown fish in my 75g.
I only feed them once every other days.

Wasn't sure this is too much? too little? Your comments would greatly appreciate very much.

thank you

If you feeding food that is high in protein u are going to need to feed more than once a day....(with the tang they will eat & take a dump quite often depending on the food ur feeding him... will depend how often) try to stick with a frozen food that isn't too high in protein & make sure you have a clean up crew to eat the tangs dung!!!) I have a 155 bowfront with two medium tangs a pair of true percs a manderin & a coral goby...(scarlet hermits misc hermits, cleaner shrimp) I feed one cube a day....(spread at night along a 5 hour period) they r nice & fat!!!

If that helps ya to gauge..

A fat bellied tang is not the desired size IMO....unless u want to have a toilet reef.....

With that said a shrunken belly on a tang isn't desireable either though....

tangs will eat & drop a dung within 15 mins after eating....higher protein foods will cause them to eat & drop almost simultaniously!!!

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