Fisrt Tank ... and need a little help


Hello everyone ..let me start off by saying I have never owned a fish tank before I am completely new to this... I read a few books just to see what was entailed in the hobby before deciding that I wanted to try and start an aquarium....After that is was finding what I wanted I knew I wanted a cube but finding one wasn't easy took time and patience but eventually found one for sale at my price range...After that I bought all my rock DRY from bulk reef and cured it myself took about 4 weeks followed there directions to a T and sure enough after a month my ammonia and nitrites had dropped to zero.. in that month I researched and researched some more ..Bought a skimmer, light, test kits,RO system etc etc etc spend spend spend .Anyways Just 2 days ago I finally set the tank up sand rock finally 2 and a half months after I purchased it I put it together...couldnt be more excited just waiting to cycle the tank..there in lies my question ... my wateras of today is 0 ammonia...0 nitrates ....8.0 PH ... is there something I should be doing while cycling ? I dont mean to speed up process I am plenty patient just if the water is already fine should I do something ? How long should I wait before adding a fish and again I am in no rush and I dont want to cycle the tank with a fish that seems kinda wrong to the fish that is IMO..

the heater inside the tank was just temporary has been moved to sump


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try putting a small piece of shrimp in there and watch parameters . sounds like you are off to a good start . patience is def the key in this hobby .If after putting the small piece of shrimp in there your tank should spike amonia , nitrates and then fall back to 0 whats got me is you cycled your rock then put them in the tank ? maybe I am reading wrong .
i cured the rock in a brute barrel in my basement ...heard it smelled pretty bad during curing process
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