Hitchhiker id? / Coral question


Hi everyone! I was just activated but while waiting, had a while to browse the boards, seems like such a great place and a huge resource. So glad to finally be able to post!!

2 questions:
Not sure if this picture is that clear. I keep seeing this, it's small, about the size of an eraser, white in color and shaped like a little star. I didn't think much of it but have noticed that it moves around the tank quite a bit. Not sure if this is good or bad...I keep expecting it to sprout something (My new-ness to be hobby is certainly showing ;)

2nd question, I placed an order from LiveAquaria recently, and got this Blue Cespitularia. http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=747+2662+2753&pcatid=2753Lighting says moderate - just wondering others' opinions on what this means...is CF sufficient? I've been waiting for the heads to open up but they don't, so I'm not sure if they aren't supposed to or if it's because the lighting isn't enough.

Thanks so much, and glad to be here!


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The little guy is an asterina star, not a bad guy but they can reproduce very quickly sometimes.

What do you mean by CF lighting?
Thanks, good to know. I've only seen one so far.

By CF, I meant compact florescents lights - standard with acintic moonlights on my aquapod. Just asking because if I was incorrect in purchasing, I'll have to find it a new home so it thrives.
Looks like an asterina to me also. Signs of a diverse tank and harmless IMO.

CF lighting should be fine for this type of coral. If you're unsure about the lighting, you could always move the coral further up towards the light.
Xenia should do pretty good under CF lighting depending on how high up in the tank you put it. But I am hesitant to think that it will be very blue in color under CF lights, unless you are running CF's that have a very blue hue to them to begin with. I have personally never been able to keep xenia alive...good luck with it!:)
Well that's a relief to hear it should do okay, maybe it just needs more time...though it's been over a week.

No, definetly not getting a blue color from the coral at all, pink-ish/purple-ish at best.

My lights are 50/50 I think, but to my eye, they look more white output than blue.

Thanks so much for the response(s).
Looks like an asterina to me also.
You can siphon them off the glass relatively easily if you dont like them. There not really a problem untill they start to multiply by dropping off a leg or 2 Harlequin shrimp have been known to eat them as well.
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