How high of a temp would you be willing to go before intervening?

Watch out for the hot weekend.

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Yeah, they say that blackouts are a possibility today. I have no battery backup, so I am concerned about that.
Taking the plexiglas lid off my aquarium made a helpful difference in the temperature of my tank. Went from a high of 85 to a high of 82. The evaporation rate doubled though. Still making adjustments, but I now seem to be losing about about 2L per day from my 50g tank from evaporation.
You can always make a chiller. 2 bulkheads in the side of a good cooler. Coil some tubing inside the cooler (the more tubing the more surface to cool but leave room for the ice) and fill with ice. Hook up a powerhead to a temp controller or turn on manually to lower temp.
I have this
It comes with a nice little power adapter that allows me to use a portable phone charger to power the wavemaker when electricity is out.
I tested it on a 20,000 mAh battery from Amazon ($16), it ran overnight at full speed and still going strong.

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Nice! I have that same pump, but I didnt notice that feature! Do you think one of those pumps would be all that is all that is needed to prevent coral or fish deaths? (BTW, which happens first in a powerless tank, coral deaths or fish deaths?)
Nice! I have that same pump, but I didnt notice that feature! Do you think one of those pumps would be all that is all that is needed to prevent coral or fish deaths? (BTW, which happens first in a powerless tank, coral deaths or fish deaths?)

Do you have the Reefbreeders version or the Coralbox version? The power adapter only comes with Reefbreeders version.
In a powerless tank, fish go first.
One pump is good enough to keep a 80 gallon tank alive.

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I have the reefbreeders one. Got it about 3 months ago. Now that I am looking at the link to the site, I think I remember a small extra cable that came in the box, but I never really looked at it when it arrived, I was so excited to get the pump in the tank. Hopefully it is still around somewhere.
If you cant find the cable, I have them available for cheap.

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I found the cable. Now I just need a power supply that will last it for several hours.
Thanks to the suggestions in this thread, I think my temperature issues are mostly solved. My tank was up to 83 yesterday with the big 99 degree heat, but other than that it has been fluctuating between 79-82. It dropped into this range from above 85 degrees just by removing the lid, and directing a little more AC into the tank room. No ick happened as a result of the sudden change. Also the corals are looking fine - maybe even a little better than before. All good.
A little AC goes a long way. Due to the dry cold air from AC, it does evaporative cooling too.

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I have the Anker power bank from Amazon, 20k mAh very good, that and the reefbreeders rpm saved my a** last week
Nice to hear that. I think I will get that battery, or similar one. Do you set the pump on a low setting when you use it so that the battery will last longer, or does it matter?
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