How often to feed??


how often should I feed my fish and coral? 29 gallon tank with 2 Clowns, 2 gobies and a blenny. various soft corals, 4 shrimp and cleaning crew. I have been giving the hish 1/2 a cube of brine shrimp mixture and the coral 1/2 a cube of frozen plankton every 3 days. Am I underfeeding them?
Nope! Maybe to much.Myself in a tank that size I would not feed the softies it will put to much on the bioload and lead to troubles.
I am a fan of small meals everyday although that may be difficult because you have a very small number of fish too feed. I would not worry about feeding softies.
underfeeding always, always beats overfeeding, especially in a smaller reef tank.......phosphates are our enemy!
Smaller, daily feedings may suit your set up best and inhabitants (but they will still act hungry :rolleyes:). However I'd recommend getting away from brine. It has very little nutrition. Get them switched over to mysis. Much more protein.

To help reduce the extra unwanted nurtients introduced at feeding time, you can defrost and rinse in a little tank water prior to feeding too. You can also introduce the food slowly with a pipette or baster so it's eaten as it's introduced, leaving little to no excess behind, and you can target feed too.