How Reef Safe is a Copperband Butterfly Fish?


I am toying with the idea of getting a Copper Band Butterfly Fish for my Mixed Reef. I have plenty of Acro, Zoas, the only LPS I have is Frogspawn, Hammer and Plate corals. I just got a small clam as well...almost forgot.
Has anyone kept these successfully in a mixed reef or am I taking a big chance?
I had one for quite awhile. He ate every aptasia he could find. Until one of my powerheads had a meltdown. He went into shock, rebounded then disappeared a few days later. He was an awesome fish. I never had a problem with him with any corals, although I don't have a clam. He ate every aptasia he could find.
It depends on the fish. Some may be fine but others will eat zoanthids and other stuff. Also if you do get one buy carefully some never take to eating frozen
I had one for quite awhile. He ate every aptasia he could find. Until one of my powerheads had a meltdown. He went into shock, rebounded then disappeared a few days later. He was an awesome fish. I never had a problem with him with any corals, although I don't have a clam. He ate every aptasia he could find.

I agree I had one for a long time in my 90 gall reef. And he also ate all the aptasia he could find. I really enjoyed having it in my tank and never had any problems with it towards my corals!! So with my experience I would say yes it is reef safe!!
Would they bother cleaner and bloodshrimps?? I'm thinking of getting one to eat the aptasia

They won't bother the shrimp.
Know that they have a horrible time eating our food in captivity. Before you buy, ask to see it eat in the LFS. If it doesn't eat mysis shrimp, then don't buy.
They're also slow and picky eaters. More aggressive fish like tangs and dwarf angels, even damsels, will gobble up all the food before the copperband. The fish may eventually starve.
So, watch for it to eat before buying; and if you have a tang in the tank, forget it.
I have 3 tangs...Oh well. I have seen tanks that have Tangs and a Copperband... Why would having Tangs be bad?
I had a Yellow Tang in with the Copperband. They were actually buddies. Always side by side.
I had the copperband first. He was also bigger.

Yeah, that seems to be the trick - stocking order.
If the tangs are in the tank and established, then a butterfly is introduced at a later point... the butterfly gets bullied; often getting ich, ceasing to try to eat, eventually it will perish.
At least that's what I've seen.
We have great luck with them at the ocean explorium ...we have 2,, both in different systems full of corals and never a problem system has around 15 tangs also ...
My yellow tang killed 2 copperbands in my attempts to eradicate the aiptasia. I would not suggest it knowing your tank.
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