I accidentally got super glue gel on my tank

Rick C

formerly sp1813
I tried getting it off the acrylic with nail polish remover but it smeared and made it worse. Anyone have any ideas?
I'm thinking a razor blade is gonna scratch the acrylic really bad. Thanks though:(
Yeah i'll give that a try in the morning. It can't make it any worse than it already is. Thanks guys.
Its an acrylic tank. The glue got on when I was mounting a frag. Its on the outside, right in the front. I was gonna scrape it, but i'm thinking thats gonna be bad. I googled super glue removal but all it said was nail pollish remover cause of the acetone. I tried it and it ended up smudging in a big circle. It looks terrible. I don't know what to do. This kinda sucks.
superglue is cyanoacrylate. I'm guessing that's somewhat similar to acrylic. So any solvent that cleans up superglue may do a number on acrylic.

I think your only option might be to shave it off, and then sand and polish the front of the tank.
Nail polish remover on an acrylic tank is a big no no. It will melt the acrylic similar to weldon.
superglue is cyanoacrylate. I'm guessing that's somewhat similar to acrylic. So any solvent that cleans up superglue may do a number on acrylic.

I think your only option might be to shave it off, and then sand and polish the front of the tank.

good advice here.
Yeah i agree, that smell so typical of nail polish remover is Acetone and it will absolutely rip through the acrylic tank. The smear you see is probably the tank melting a little bit. I know when i was mold injecting computer parts i would use acetone to melt way acrylic scraps. I agree the best bet will be to sand and buff it really good to get it back to where it was. Kind of a pain, but the only option i see. Scraping the super glue will not do anything for you at this point. But at least its on the outside so you don't have to drain the tank to do this!!
superglue is cyanoacrylate. I'm guessing that's somewhat similar to acrylic. So any solvent that cleans up superglue may do a number on acrylic.

I think your only option might be to shave it off, and then sand and polish the front of the tank.

Oh man that sucks. I am feeling for you right now.:eek:
Yeah i agree, that smell so typical of nail polish remover is Acetone and it will absolutely rip through the acrylic tank. The smear you see is probably the tank melting a little bit. I know when i was mold injecting computer parts i would use acetone to melt way acrylic scraps. I agree the best bet will be to sand and buff it really good to get it back to where it was. Kind of a pain, but the only option i see. Scraping the super glue will not do anything for you at this point. But at least its on the outside so you don't have to drain the tank to do this!!

Ok I was thinking that at work. I guess i just gotta break down and do it. What can I use to buff it back to normal?
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