I am actually allergic to peanut butter (true story) but not jellies

They look amazing. What kind of care do they need?
They have to keep moving and so there are specialized tanks that include just the right amount of flow. Feed once daily and remove extra food. Otherwise same as saltwater aquarium maintenance. They do like cooler water so no heater in any room where the temp stays stable. I am feeding frozen food that came from the aquaculture facility. Fascinating as you can see the entire food intake and digestive process because they are clear. The bright orange pink in the video of the single jelly is food in its 4 stomachs
Thanks guys!

After lots of research, i went with this AIO setup. https://www.cubicaquarium.com/orbit-20

The one change I made to the setup was i ran a heater during cycle as i was colonizing with live rock rubble from my sump.

One oddity about Cubic aquariums is that they describe a 2-week cycle, something that their competitors criticize. I tend to agree. I monitored Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate and it took six weeks to cycle.

I got my jellies from these folks https://www.sunsetmarinelab.com/

They have tanks as well but I did not find them until mine was up and cycling. they have a great program where they give you extra jellyfish if you follow their tank cycling protocol.

Other than a lot of reading and watching ReefDude's jelly videos, that was it. The tank came with the specialized net and other needed bits and bobs.

The LED lighting unit on the tanks seems good enough. We can turn it to a deep enough color at night that you can watch from bed and it glows less than an alarm clock.
Doing great. Need to move tank closer to bed. They just swim along. Figuring out feeding and cleaning. They are extremely fragile, like wet tissue paper so care with siphoning is important