I hate gha!


It has been ruining my tank for months I replaced my rodeo filters. Got a seahare and lawnmower Benny and I scrub it off the rocks daily. I do 5 gal water changes a week and its a 20long tank... I run a polyfilter and phosphates... no luck
/end rant
I assume you are using RODI. If not, maybe try mixing with Distilled water for a bit. Inexpensive to do from the grocery store.

What kind of lights? I had a similar issue on an older tank with halides. They were several months old and the change in spectrum due to aging lights caused algae outbreaks. New bulbs fixed it.
Dose kent tech m if nothing else works! H2O2 works great too if you can take the rock out of the water and dip it
We would need a little more info to really help. If it was ha. Or bryopsis. Also what kind of lighting how old are bulbs. How long do you run the lights per day. How much do you feed the tank as overfeeding can add unwanted nutrients feeding the algea. Also what kind of water do you use for water changes you should really use rodi water for the best tank conditions.
I had a major hair algae issue over the summer and finally now almost algae free it took a long time to kill it off.
At first I tried sea hares hundreds of hermits and snails they were a big waste of money in my experience nothing eats it.
what finally cured it was daily cleaning with tooth brush and tweezers and water changes twice a week.Take a power head or turkey baster and blow all the debris out of your live rock
that crap feeds the algae. Also keep your skimmer clean all that skimate that collects on the neck keeps phosphates in the water column and also feeds the algae.
I also started running GFO and built a DIY algae scrubber that seemed to be the turning point for me that made me feel like I was winning.
I also cut my feeding down to once or twice a week. At the end I am sure my problem was a combination of over feeding and dirty rock I now blow out the rock at every water change
it was a real pain but it was the only thing that worked it took almost 7 months of trial an error but that's what worked for me.
I was going to also ask if you are sure that it's hair algae and not bryopsis. Take a closer look at it. Bryopsis looks like small ferns. If it is hair algae, try hydrogen peroxide. Look up the correct way to dose it. Trying to treat the source after the outbreak will be hard since the nutrients are locked up in the algae. Try the peroxide. When the algae dies back, big water change with RODI water.