IM in desperate need of a skimmer please help


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BRS Member
I am going to buy one tonight online but I need to know whats the best 1 for like $200-300 in sump model. I have a 55 and I have been running a prizm one and lets just say its a pos. I am always ********ing with it to get it dialed in and its always messed up when i get home from work.
octopus NW are a club favorite and best bang for buck unit. There is another NW you may consider however as PM just released a very well executed one.
I just bought a euroreef ES 5-3 for 50 bucks on the boards. :D
So if you are patient you can find good deals.
Just be sure the skimmer foot print will fit in your sump if it's sectioned and also take a measurement if it's going under your tank for height. Remember you'll need room to remove the lid or the collection cup for cleaning. If the sump is in the basement and you've got all kinds of room then forget everything I typed prior to this sentence.:D
AquaC EV-180. Especially if you plan on using ozone. Get a larger pump though. With a 55 you might even be able to get away with the EV-120.
Any recomendations on a store to get it from. I still havent gotten one yet. I usually order from Drfostersmith but I wasnt seeing any of the skimmers mentioned on that site.
There is another NW you may consider however as PM just released a very well executed one.

Saw the new PM running over at CRA the other day - looks nice, maybe I will replace my Octo w/ one if the footprint is right.
I live in Billerica MA I usually just order my stuff but any help would be great thanks.
Hah.......I'm a ASM G kid recirc and gate valve mods)
But I think Octopus and ASM merged.Check out the ASM website,says to go to Octopus.
Any recomendations on a store to get it from. I still havent gotten one yet. I usually order from Drfostersmith but I wasnt seeing any of the skimmers mentioned on that site.
If you add shipping to the price of the skimmer - Dr Foster & Smith ain't the best dealio.
Be sure to check out your local stores - in Billerica you have three or four in Southern NH that could hook you up. Know which model you want, and know the prices at online vendors like Marine Depot, Champion Lighting, etc.
If you want to run Ozone the PM supports the use of it also coming equipped with an ozone port.
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