In the beginning (Again)


pr (BearMon)
A photo journal of my ever continuing roller coaster reef ride.
72 -> 150 -> 12 -> 34!

Find the spot! A 34g Solana is much more forgiving than a 150! :)

Remove stand, rip out old stand/light screws and replace w/ heavy duty stuff!
Add tank!

And thats all I've got for the moment, hope to add sand/water later.
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Awesome. Solana race!

You have an early lead. I just got my stand built this morning. The door doesn't close properly. I need to replace the hinges.
I've had the door not line up a couple of times building the stands.. seems like there was a trick to how the hinges had to be put on to make it work right but I don't remember what it was.
I'm having some door/magnet probs also??? :confused:

I can't figure out if the hinges are defective and don't close all the way or if it's that the screw heads are too large and aren't fully recessed. The hinges resist with about 1-2" left to closed. I can push it the rest of the way and the hinges buckle a little. not good.

I'm not going to mess with it, I just picked up some small stainless hinges at the hardware store. I'll let you know if that helps. Unless the door is completely warped, I'm sure these will work.
I've had the door not line up a couple of times building the stands.. seems like there was a trick to how the hinges had to be put on to make it work right but I don't remember what it was.

I suppose it's possible that I got them backwards and they ALMOST close like that.

I had to stop the project suddenly with family visiting (allowing Kevin to pull further ahead). I'll dig in later.
and then ur gonna go to a 72 and a 180 again :D... once u have a huge tank, it is hard to be satisfied with a smaller fish tank...
and then ur gonna go to a 72 and a 180 again :D...

Without a doubt. It's the circle of life. :)

I'm downsizing, at least for now, because I need to get the big tanks out of the basement. I had major moisture and temperature issues down there last summer and need to work out a better solution that won't happen in the next few months before the heat returns.

Don't tell my wife, but the long term master plan is to tile the floor in one of the rooms down there and build a fish room. ;)
Yeah, hence my :confused:

Maybe something shifted, I'll get it.

Good luck Scott, I just finished cycling! :D:p

I just read the online instructions, and it said that if it travels any distance in a crappy car, it gets shaken apart. :p
Good luck Scott, I just finished cycling! :D:p

How's that, I don't see any WATER in that picture?

I don't have a prayer unless I skip the cycling, which I could do. I have plenty of water/rock/sand in the other tanks. I'm just worried about the disturbed/rinsed sand.


(don't leave your doors unlocked ;) )
I just read the online instructions, and it said that if it travels any distance in a crappy car, it gets shaken apart. :p

Oh, well that splains it!

The part where he dropped it and it rolled down the stairs probably didn't help either :p

I didn't drop it Hunter did!

How's that, I don't see any WATER in that picture?

I don't have a prayer unless I skip the cycling, which I could do. I have plenty of water/rock/sand in the other tanks. I'm just worried about the disturbed/rinsed sand.


(don't leave your doors unlocked ;) )

OK I lied. :D

and then ur gonna go to a 72 and a 180 again :D... once u have a huge tank, it is hard to be satisfied with a smaller fish tank...

Can't get that Naso w/o a 6' tank now can I?
Just a little light.

ooohhh, the fog!:eek::D
Just a little Marco rock that has been cooking since the meeting. This is not the final scape, just thrown in to cook a little more. The heater will live in the O/F when I get things tidyied up.
Just a little light.

ooohhh, the fog!:eek::D
Just a little Marco rock that has been cooking since the meeting. This is not the final scape, just thrown in to cook a little more. The heater will live in the O/F when I get things tidyied up.

Is that the Gray coast sand you told me about....... looks awesome!
nice. pressure, pressure.

Kevin, are you doing the manufacturer recommended setup with the nanoballs and all the standard filtration?
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