Is ordering online worth it?


Hey guys,

I'm new to the hobby and I have heard mixed reviews on ordering corals online and I was wondering what everyone thinks.

I worked at a petstore that sold salt water stuff for a year and was always told to tell people to stay away from online ordering. I know the complications with fish and shipping and I like getting my fish from where I worked but I'm not so sure about the corals. Was the store just trying to get me to buy their stuff or is there a valid concern about ordering corals, snails, and hermits online?

Some corals are sensitive shippers but for the most part, it is usually fine with a good vendor.

I order a lot of my corals online because that is where I am able to find more rare stuff.
Ordering online for equipment and food can be much cheaper than buying in store. Never really trusted buying online for real live animals though.
Hey guys,

I'm new to the hobby and I have heard mixed reviews on ordering corals online and I was wondering what everyone thinks.

I worked at a petstore that sold salt water stuff for a year and was always told to tell people to stay away from online ordering. I know the complications with fish and shipping and I like getting my fish from where I worked but I'm not so sure about the corals. Was the store just trying to get me to buy their stuff or is there a valid concern about ordering corals, snails, and hermits online?

They told you that because online vendors are their competition. Online vendors are a very big threat to brick and mortar stores. The only downside to buying from online stores is that it can eventually put the brick and mortar stores out of business if they don't think of other ways to bring in money. When you buy corals or fish online, you actually normally get them for much less money and you actually get guarantees that a lot of brick and mortar stores would never offer.
Thats a good point about the local stores needing the buisness ...but they do mark it at least three times what they get it for from the wholesaler.
A few other things to consider is that if you have a paid BRS membership you can recieve 10% off livestock and maybe more (?) from the sponsor stores, then minus the shipping charges and the relationship you create with your LFS it can work out pretty good vs. on-line purchases.
There are a lot of trade offs.

For something like hermit crabs...these ship REALLY well. What members of the club have found though is that many of the local shops will run ocassional specials for us, and deliver to meetings, and that makes the cost less than online (unless you are ordering huge quantities) when you consider the shipping.

Snails I believe to be much more sensitive shippers. However, sometimes local stores do not aclimate them carefully, so they may be doomed even if you are careful with them. If a sponsor runs a group buy though they are probably dealing with large volumes, and I think are more likely to be careful, or just not handle them as long (their order may come in just before the day of delivery).

For fish it's a trade off. Oftentimes it's hard to get the unusual fish at local shops, however, if you talk to local shops sometimes they will order such fish for you, and even make sure they are eating before you pay the $. It can be a bit more hit or miss than the large on-line shops though getting these unusual species. Some shops have much better connections than others. For sensitive fish you have to weigh the benefits. For fish that have unusual feeding behaviors, some shops may not be able to deal with them. For fish that are finicky, sometimes it's best to get from a shop that's had it on hand a long time and it is now eating. Then there's the risk of disease. Some shops run copper all the time, and that could be a good, or bad thing depending upon the type of fish you are interested, and how careful they are about maintaining the levels. The nice thing about fish is that provided the fish is healthy, there is not a tremendous difference in the coloration of one specimen of a species compared to another.

Corals however are different. There can be tremendous variability from colony to colony of the same species, and usually no one can really id to species level (or even genus sometimes) anyhow. I think a lot of times the colors that you see in photographs are not realistic (taken under actinics), or they may be showing you a photo of a colony that looked great when they took the photo, but has become unhealthy in the meantime. The other thing you need to keep in mind is that the photo may only be showing you the tips of a coral, and might not mean that much when the colony is grown out in your tank and you are looking at it a foot or two back from the tank. I've purchased a few great corals online over the years, but also some real dogs.
It highly depend on which online vendor you buy coral from. Some are great and some just horrible. Some of the good one like LiveAquaria no longer has free shipping and their price jump up a lot. But their corals are in high quality and have higher survival rate in aquarium. Some are a toss up like Extrmemcoral. Some are just plain rip off. Ask around the club and you will have better idea where to order.
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