It's Ten O'Clock and I Don't Know Where All My Fishes Are

Crappy discovery to come home to. I lost my mated pair of Neon Gobies this morning :(

Good luck, hope she turns up!
hopefully one didn't get to dominant and take out the competition. Hopefully it is just hiding.
I lost a 2 inch black occellaris clown for 6 hours the other day... if it still hasn't showed up yet, I'd start worrying, but if it's only gone for a few hours, no harm, right? Might be too late to do, but check the area around the tank and in the sump for the fish, found my ruby wrasse on my salt container when I got home, unpleasant discovery.
Ive been missing one of my firefish gobys for a week or so now. I checked the floor, the sump, and overflows, im just thinkin hes crab food at this point, :(
They are either inside the tank or outside of the tank.
I had a mini school (5) for 3 years and one day 2 were missing. I guess they had some sort of school disagreement or fight for dominance. The dominant male and a female..gone. The secondary male now runs the show..this happens in the wild.
I hope your Anthia shows up.