LED Light Decisions - HELP!!

Looks great . So how many inches does that give you from emitters to SB ? Looks a lil too high imho .

For AI SOLs they recommend 12" height from the water on most tanks.

It depends on the tank dimensions you're trying to cover due to the use of reflectors, in order to get sufficient spread on anything more than a 12x12 area with an AI SOL it has to be up high, 12"+
Sweet looking tank! The AIs do produce some spotlighting,raising them up will help eliminate that, but it still seems a little high to me. Are you using the standard 4x40deg and 4x70deg lenses? If I just do the math, @12" I get 16.8" diameter coverage per lens puck for the 70deg and 8.74" for the 40 deg. So, the fixture is about 12x5, so, roughly 29x22" coverage for the 70degree optics and 21x14, per SOL unit. So, when you add the two sols together, lengthwise as you have, the 40s will cover the top of the tank evenly, but the 70s will leak a fair amount. Granted not all of that will be good light, as the area covered will be brightest in the center and get dimmer as you go out to the edges, but I suspect it will still spill some light. You have a lot of power though, so, it probably doesn't matter. I guess if you find that the 70s leak too much, you could also swap them out to 40s. That's a nice thing about AI, they will get you different lenses if you want them.
Thanks for the compliments. The bottom of the modules are at 11" from the top edge of the glass, and are offset to the front of the tank a little seeing the overflow is a little large. Yes the tank is a Deep Blue Edge tank. I originally ordered an Illuminata along with someone else, but I found out later that the other person got the last one in New England so I went with this one. Like inverted said I can swap the lenses if needed. I am gonna run the wires thru the wall tonight and then finish tidying up all the wiring on the back of the tank, and hopefully start filling it up. I am anxious to see how the new Tunzes 6095 do. My son is dying to get this running, thankfully the rock has been cooking since Dec/Jan so a cycle should be minimal.
Thanks for the compliments. The bottom of the modules are at 11" from the top edge of the glass, and are offset to the front of the tank a little seeing the overflow is a little large. Yes the tank is a Deep Blue Edge tank. I originally ordered an Illuminata along with someone else, but I found out later that the other person got the last one in New England so I went with this one. Like inverted said I can swap the lenses if needed. I am gonna run the wires thru the wall tonight and then finish tidying up all the wiring on the back of the tank, and hopefully start filling it up. I am anxious to see how the new Tunzes 6095 do. My son is dying to get this running, thankfully the rock has been cooking since Dec/Jan so a cycle should be minimal.

That is weird . I just talked to my local fish store yesterday .He advises he can get me an illuminata /undrilled or reef ready . HMMM .. I cannot handle the noise of the Vortech's ramping up and down . Been there and done that . Are the 6095's controllable with a Apex or RK ? I was looking at 6105's and 6055's but guess i'll hit the web again .
He may have one stored somewhere. Yes the 6095s are controllable, they are a nano pump so the same size as the 6025 but the front and impeller are the noticeable differences from what I have noticed. They push about 2100 gph, I am running them on a 7096 in pulse mode 100/30.
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