Live Phytoplankton available


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
BRS Sponsor
BRS Member
Now available in limited quantity.

4 phytoplankton species blend, $10 per 16 Oz. Fresh harvested daily.

Please bring your own clean jar or I will pack it in clean plastic bags.

It is good for a month in refrigerator. When store in refrigerator, it is best to shake it once a week.

I dose about 2 to 2.5 Oz per 100 gallon of tank volume per day.

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Please note: this is pick up in Concord MA only. Shipping can be arranged but with the shipping cost factors in, it is slightly cheaper by just ordering online from Amazon.

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Also there is a big difference in effectiveness between live/freshly harvested phytoplankton vs dead phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton can only live about a few days in a sealed bottle at room temperature.

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Go team phyto!!!! Maybe you guys can do like a subscription thing. To keep costs down for regular users.
I am offering $10 for 16 Oz. That is wholesale cost if you buy live phytoplankton online.

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Not a cost thing more of like auto ship or something. Maybe couple free bottles for three months paid. Something along those lines. Alittle something for guys that want it consistantly.
You always take care of us dong! It costs alot to be able to offer the selection u got. More than happy to help keep a place to go and see coral in person going. Class act given other venders there due!!!
There are several benefits for freshly harvested live phytoplankton:

First, cells are intact, living. Which is a lot nutritious than those dead stuff sitting on shelves at room temperature.

2nd, you wont over dose, you can pour the whole 16 oz in a 75 gallon system in one shot.

3rd, live and growing phyto actually removes waste products from the aquarium water, which dead stuff adds pollution to your tank.

4th, live phytoplankton stays in the water column that filter-feeders can get to it, unlike dead phytoplankton that quickly settle at the bottom.

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Not a cost thing more of like auto ship or something. Maybe couple free bottles for three months paid. Something along those lines. Alittle something for guys that want it consistantly.

Understood. Those are good points.
There are several vendors already doing that like algaebarn.

For me, I am never intended to make it an large operation to sell phytoplankton. Since I already culturing it to feed my coral, I just offer it up to cub members.

There is little profit to worth the time and efforts in selling phytoplankton until you can sell it by thousands of bottles per month. Which some online vendors are dedicated to it.

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I also have stock of nano from another algae farm in east coast.

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Smaller potions of live phytoplankton available for nano reef tanks:
$5 for 6 oz

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I ordered a bunch of food grade 16 Oz juice bottle and so if you don’t have a clean bottle handy, I will give you the bottle free of charge.

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For paid BRS members, $5 for 16 Oz.

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Is there a scale that can be used to calculate different water volumes? When dosing should you shut off your skimmer? Do you need to start off slowly? I know that dosing can cause changes in water pars.
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