Live sale


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Hi guys, just out of curiosity did anyone tried one of those live sales on reef2reef. Is it worth it? I’m very curious about it, but also a little scared of the process and end results.
Depends on you. If you like gambling a lot it might be bad. It suckers you in like a game that you have to win. The “sale” part is mostly non existent since the frags are normally very small.
Not sure if you mean auctions either

But in both cases you likely need good enough deals to offset shipping costs
They are kinda fun. I did the cherrycoral live sale eairler this year. Got a bit discouraged at first but once i figured it out ended up have some fun.

But like @Chris A. the frags are very small 3/4-1" frags of acros
I am more a softies gal and sometime a pice of hard coral but so far I see pretty pictures but nothing that make me want to go troughs the process and pay 40$ shipping.... but it looks like fun if you have a big budget and some patience....
I watched the last cherry corals one. Best case is having a list of what you want. That way in the 20 seconds you have to buy something you just need to read what it is and not spend time pondering the purchase.
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