LiveAquaria shipment delayed - chance of it alive come Monday?


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BRS Member
Anybody with success stories with the above situation? The fish were supposed to arrive this AM, and now looking like not till Monday. Clearly bummed - and now wondering if I should even bother missing part of work Monday to wait for it. I tried to make arrangements to pick up / deliver Saturday but it is not an option.
That totally sucks. It's very doubtful that fish will survive that long. I'd even be worried about them living until Saturday. I'd ask LiveAquaria about it. If you are not home to accept the package, that may void the "arrive alive" guarantee.

Is LiveAquaria still using FedEx for live delivery or did they switch to UPS for that also?
@uhupong - That's encouraging! More than what I got when I 'live-chatted' UPS about what can I do / what will happen. UPS CSR was non-committal.

@phg1960 - The previous order I made with them went FedEx. But this one is UPS.

Did contact LA. Very accommodating, understanding and willing to work with me.
If you did an online chat with UPS, I would call them instead. I think most of the online stuff are automated systems. They should at least let you pick it up at a local hub.

LA does stand behind their stock, so getting replacements should be easy enough. Especially when you can show that the problem was with UPS.

Personally, I hope they go back to FedEX. Much better service. Even dry-goods from DFS takes a couple day longer now.
Total long-shot. I live next to the Boston airport. If there's a chance things could be picked up directly from their Airport facility between now and 9:30 tomorrow morning (I'm headed tomorrow's meeting) I could probably pick it up for you if there's any way that might be helpful.
@dean - Thank you kindly for the offer. UPS' tracking has not updated anything new (still stuck in KY as of 10 AM) - hopes are dim I'd get them Sat.
Def will be dead but im sure they will cover it if you take a pic when it gets there and send it to them, just make sure you dont unpackage anything
I get alot of orders shipped and if its even a day late usually 50% or higher death rate
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