May 30th Newbie Class, Brockton,MA


Is the algae gone yet?
BRS Member
Mauro and Sue DiBenedetto have graciously offered their home as a site for a BRS newbie class on May 30th, in Brockton, MA We're planning on a newbie class, BBQ, and fish goo meeting. This is a great opportunity to mingle with your fellow reefers in a very informal setting, and pick up a few pointers at the same time. It's worth the trip just to see the amazing setup Mauro and Sue have. Kickoff time for the class is going to be about noon for the class, followed by a BBQ, and fish goo party. If you're interested in coming, details are at

Please RSVP in that thread for the BBQ, and this thread (or the one in introductions) for the newb class. Looking forward to seeing you there!
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i'd be there but i have to work on saturday. i enjoyed the last class and bbq so i'm a little dissapointed i can't come to this one.
anyone who shows at 10 is going to have a bit of a wait :D

The class is at NOON.

Anyone who has specific topics they would like covered can post here....there will be some senior reefers at the cookout, and we can get a good number of questions answered....
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