Must resist


Man these Kuiter's Leopard Wrasse's came up on LA this morning what a beautiful fish, A trio of these in my tank would be perfect :)

I am done adding wrasses for now with two leopards and 2 hopefully 3 BlueStar Leopard wrasses if the Male makes it but man oh man when something like this pops up it makes you WANT :(

You, my friend, have a leopard wrasse disease.

They are nice. I have a Bipartitus(Blue Star) leopard and it killed every leopard wrasse I put in the tank. I will need to capture it when I transfer the tank and add in a trio at the same time.
I'm also a big fan of meleagris leopard which I think the most good looking leopard especially the Juvies.
yeah the two meleagris leopards that I have are what have me hooked the way they are in an out of the rockworks constantly picking and following each other around all day made me a fan, I think I am going to add the two female Blue Stars I have in QT now to the DT this weekend and leave the male in the QT by himself and really hope for the best with him but I have very low expectation of him surviving at this point, the two female are to active to leave in a 20 gallon for too much longer and I can't wait to see them in the DT. I have my fingers crossed that everyone gets along.
When you add to the DT will you be using an acclimation box? I hope to do the same thing eventually with a few types (variations) of leopards in one mixed reef. I would love a few pics or maybe swing by sometime and check it out!
When you add to the DT will you be using an acclimation box? I hope to do the same thing eventually with a few types (variations) of leopards in one mixed reef. I would love a few pics or maybe swing by sometime and check it out!
I am always open to talk reef and happy to show off the tank
I decided to add them today, perfect day, working from home no big meeting or conf calls so I can keep an eye on things in the tank.
Right or wrong the two BlueStars were so healthy and not shy I decided to add them right into the DT, with a little prep of course.
- I pulled them from QT and had some food ready, three cubes of frozen Brine everyone's favorite.
- I pulled two largish rocks from my sump with my DT's fish's favorite macro algae Caulerpa and placed in the tank as distractions
- shut off all pumps in tank
- dropped some food on one end of the tank
- added the new Bluestars on the other
- dumped in the rest of the food way over on the other side

They were left alone for at least 10 minutes and just checked out their new corner of the aquarium. Took a while but the other fish came over to check them out. One of the meleagris was the funniest just hovering upright checking them out but no aggression at all and ended up mingling with them for a bit. The yellow coris was the only thing showing any aggression but it was just a quick flash and the Anthias trio was the funniest they kept be bopping by, you can see it in this video.
It has been 2 hours and the Blue stars are still in the same area pecking and investigating not stressed at all so I would say this was a success. and the meleagris's come over to visit every once and while but nothing threatening at all. I suppose it helps when you have a 6' long tank with lots of rock work and pretty much all non aggressive fish.
