Need a little help... Anybody have an old tank lying around?


Hi All!
I am an avid hobbyist and help my wife care for a 90 gallon reef at her high school classroom in Fall River, MA. This is at Durfee High School. I am a marine scientist that regularly has access to live animal collections locally and I support my wife's efforts with her classes through work and through my other hobbies, fishing boating and diving.
I have a reef in my cubicle at work as well.
I also help her care for two 55 gallon local marine tanks with inverts and fish. Last week, unfortunately, one of her students accidentally busted one of those 55 gallon aquariums.
This tank was meant to hold animals held short term as classroom teaching aids. - Animals like larger crabs, lobsters and generally animals that would be a threat to her local display of peaceful juvenile fishes and inverts.
We have built this impressive two system teaching tool for her marine science classes largely on our own donations, and the donations of others. I have not reached out here yet, but figured that somebody may want to donate to this very worthwhile cause. We are about to begin fragging corals and plan to attend the FFM in CT this March.
If anyone has a 55 gallon glass or something else 4 feet and under, width not important - will take 90, 75, 40B, etc. Does not have to be perfect, please contact me via PM. I have a truck and can travel and meet at your convenience.
Do not need a stand, as we just spent 40 + hours building heavy duty custom platforms for all her tanks and sumps. Luckily no children or animals perished in this tank busting incident!
Also, If anyone wants to donate any other dry goods or equipment or anything to this cause, feel free to reach out and we can discuss. PM and I will answer. My name is Vinny.
We got a 75 gallon in Leominster. We could donate. It was in Ben’s basement so unsure on ability to hold water but the silicon looked good. The bottom trim looks..... meh. Broken in some sections. But it is heavy duty old school 75 with no built in center brace.
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