Need advice about setting up a frag tank

Andy O

I have my old 36 gallon bow and stand left over from when I did my upgrade (or am I better off with a different size/shape tank). I am thinking of setting it up as a frag tank but not sure exactly what else I will need for the set up (i.e. bare bottom vs. substrate, do I need LR or can I use an emperor filter, specific MH set up for that size tank, do I also need actinic, do I want to have at least 1 fish in there for any reason, etc.)

Any help would be much appreciated.

i would probably switch the bow front out with a 20g long or a 33 long. i think the depth of your tank might hinder the idea of a frag tank a little much. with a tank that is not as deep, you do not need lights that are really powerful to penetrate down to the bottom. as for LR, you don't really need any. i would just make sure that you use established water when filling it up and put a skimmer/filter on it. you can put fish in there if you want, i don't really think it is a big deal. i would probably focus on tossing inverts in there to help control and algae problems.
i think t5s will be fine. i have t5s over a few sps in my main display and they are doing great. i just keep them higher up in the tank.