new fish, this guy is great can you guess?


Sps connoisseur
they are great fish!!! I have one myself. Every time I move a coral or something he is all over it checking it out and cleaning it... Jays has one in every one of his coral tanks..
min tank i believe is either 20 or 30 gallons, im leaning more towards 30 gallos, i have a 46 gallon
Your fish looks great. I picked up a melanurus wrasse to see if it would help with some small flatworms I was noticing on the glass. Within about 3 weeks I couldn't find a single worm. Unfortunately he's killed a few snails and possibly a hermit. He eats absolutely every kind of food I have put in the tank as well. I cant put Nori on a vegi clip because he races over to it, rips it off , and shakes it like a pitbull. Aside from those problems; he's a good looking fish and I'll keep him.
will this fish eat shrimp. not mysis but like fire shrimp and such. i've seen different things online about them. i've seen them at jays too and was wondering about how they would do in my 55g.
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