New sponsor Aidens Coral Cove


Let's give a nice welcoming to our NEW "local" sponsor Aidens Coral Cave :w

Their website is currently "under construction"

Here's a link to their Facebook act

Thank you for sponsoring the Boston Reef Society, Aidens Coral Cove :applouse:
HEY EVERYONE!!! Let me introduce myself. Im Dan and i will be running the store and i am more then excited to get this project off the ground. I have been coming on this forum since i was just a starry eyed kid with a 12 gallon nano tank and look at me now!!! Our store will feature mostly saltwater fish and we have a section of freshwater as well. We also are going to be getting very heavily into exotic (and not your average) Corals and live freshwater plants. I am dedicated to offering only the best products to you guys and will be keeping a good amount of stock in to keep everyone happy. The store construction is completed and i am building up my livestock as we speak. If anyone would like to stop in and check it out while we are open you are more then welcome just give us a heads up call before hand to make sure we are here 7813442925. Our grand opening celebration is going to be in sept and will be announced an exact date soon. I am looking forward to meeting you guys and i will take good care of any BRS members and supporters that come in. Thanks everyone and hope to see you soon!!!
Hey Dan,

Glad to see you got my vats in to some good

Best of luck to you guys for sure ! ! ! Glad to see you guys up and going finally!
Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
