New to Boston from Chicago! :) Come in and say hello...


Hey, Clown fan! Downers Grove is an interesting town - there use to be a great reef store there that closed...too bad. How much longer do you have in Vet school?
Glenn E - I agree
Aceman: Ringsport is awesome! The undisputed Champion of the World in dog training is a gentleman named Ivan Balabanov, who raises Belgian Malinois - he's a good friend, and I just spent christmas at his place over the holidays. or

In some ways I'd love to get into Mali's, now is just not the time...and I do have dogs coming out of my ears.. If you want a Mali, I'm sure I could work out a great deal for you. Unless your husband will be playing decoy, I just don't see the issue ... There are a couple of Ringsport / Schutzhund clubs in the area: one in Middleboro and another in Foxboro. Some people who have been around this sport a loooong time...:)
Iffers: are you guessing or did you notice the spine from the long spine urchin in my fingertip? Ouch...the vinegar didn't help...:)
Alex: Thank you! Same for Maurod...once I get the nanos rebuilt I'll take some pics for all.
forget fish, I want one of those shepherds! an all black, just pass me moose :)

welcome to BRS, Skiptons is a good place I go to, its located on Mass Ave. in Boston
Gina! Thank you!
What's a Bod at Large? Is that anything like a large Bod?
I'd ask how Dave feels about that, but looking at his picture, he looks like he just ate the canary and has yellow feathers sticking from his mouth...
Pleasure to meet you both!
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
