October meeting


As you have seen (I hope) we have a meeting scheduled for October at the Taunton VFW. 12-4. Christine Williams will be a guest speaker. I am still working out details so keep checking back. There will be a raffle and maybe a costume contest for Halloween.
cool its close by too.

are you guys taking corals donations for the raffle at the meeting?
This is only a suggestion. Christine has several topics she can discuss.

I know one is "The dangers in our tank" which she did for us at least three plus years back.

I do remember her stating when she spoke for us last that. She was in the process of doing or re-writing the topic of fish disease. Which may be a subject that everyone may want to hear about.

Regardless, anything Christine talks about is always a good topic and presentation.

I cannot remember her last topic, but you can find that doing a search on the forum.

The membership needs to remember that their engagement with the club is what drive the BoD.

Sharing knowledge, sharing specimens, mutual interest, keeping cost down and camaraderie is what brings us all together.

I guess what I may be trying to say is. Stand up and share the load. No one person or group should have to share the burden of keeping the club moving forward.

You may find out that you may actually have fun, learn more and have some one on one time entertaining speakers.

Many hands make light work when the load is shared. Bonds ands and friendship are forge that last for years.

Members come and members go. Many return as lifestyles change. The nucleus that brings us together must stay in tack.

Sorry for going off topic.