Out with the old, in with the new! 12 gallon nano reef, home of grizz the Angler fish


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BRS Member
i had a biocube 8 gallon for the last 6 months, and the hood became so broken it was useless, so after much planning i went with a rimless cube. stocked with sps and lps that have been doing better than they ever did in the 72 bow. for lighting i have 2 13 watt coralife 50/50 bulbs and 3 3watt RB leds, and 2 CW leds. perfect color and intensity. acros love it, but acans dont fry under it.

now for the main attraction of this tank... the angler fish. being one of the smallest species of angler and an extreamly slow grower it wont reach its adult size of 4 inchs for many many years. he is an inch and a half now.... and by far the coolest fish i have ever had. Many people have assured me(even the ones not selling me anything) that the angler will do great in a 12 gallon. the biggest thing i have to worry about is doing my weekly water change to cut waste from the fish... another reason why i went with alot of softies, they will grow like mad in this tank.

blah blah blah enough of me typing, here are the pics



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nope! the 72 is still up and thriving, just wanted to get a smaller tank started because of college next year I won't be able to have more than like 15 gallons.
Great tank, and nice coral selection you got there. Angler is really cool, does it only eat live food or will it take frozen?
Great tank, and nice coral selection you got there. Angler is really cool, does it only eat live food or will it take frozen?

at this time he will only take live. I have a feeding stick and have tried dead silversides...he sniffs them and just pushes them away.but if theres a ghost shrimp in the tank....it's death is quick and painless. haha
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