Porcupine puffer feeding help


So I have an adorable puffer on my hands and he won't seem to eat anything other than my small snails. I've tried numerous items from freeze dried krill(my last puffer devoured them) to fresh clams soaked in garlic. I've read that live food is a good alternative but my lfs locally doesn't carry ghost shrimps that I could try. Any thoughts on what my next option could be? He doesn't look like he is starving and is always out and about as well. TIA
Why do people soak there food in garlic?

Two main reasons that I'm aware of:

1) Appetite stimulant
2) They mistakenly think it helps the immune system (it does, sort of, because a fish that is eating is usually healthier)
As I've read, especially for puffers for what it seemed. It could entice them to eat. As it has not I need another direction. Seeing as that wasn't my question, I'm still looking for a little input on what to do next lol.
Mike, how long have you had him? It took about 3 days for mine to take food. Then I had to spot feed him for about a week after, until he started going after the food himself. So i would try and use a tong and bring the krill right to his mouth. I have 3 puffers (Dog face, stars and strips and a spiny box which is very similar to the porcupine), and he is the only one that needed this treatment. Hope it helps
I've had him a month or so now. Like I said he is active happy and healthy looking. Just chowing on my snails. I've tried to put food right in front of his face and he just swims away like nothing. I have even fed the rest of his tank makes so they don't try to go after the food and he still doesn't touch it. I have seen him eat a small piece of frozen krill ones as it was floating around. That's it. I will obviously keep trying but next step I think is going to be ghost shrimp. Appreciate the response. Anyone else have thoughts on stubborn puffers?
yeah, it seems to me that he might refuse until all the snails are gone. But i would definitely try the ghost shrimp. My only issues with ghost shrimps in the past is that unless you grab them with tongs or hand (no easy task IMO), they swim away pretty fast and if you have other aggressive fish faster than the puffer (IMO puffers are extremely slow) the ghost shrimp gets eaten by them. But keep us updated. Always good to know methods that work for the future!
Well I guess I wont replenish any of the snails and see how that goes. My lfs is going to order done ghost shrimp for me and I'll go from there. I will definitely keep it posted. If anyone come across any thoughts please don't hesitate to chime in thanks.
Why do people soak there food in garlic?

Kind of think of this... you may not be hungry, but you pass a nice Italian resturant in the north end and all you can smell is garlic... makes you want to eat. makes me want to eat just thinking about...

Not forgetaboutit.

Oh, and I use to feed mine small gold fish.
Small goldfish huh, would my trigger go after them? And do they survive at all in the saltwater?

On Sunday I went to a different lfs and they suggested a fw fiddler crab. I attempted but nothing in the tank other than my lemonpeel was interested. On to something else. Although he is being odd now. Posted a thread with a picture of him wondering what he is doing.
Mike, I would stay away from the goldfish, they offer little to non nutritional value and as feeder fish, they dont receive the best care at the pet shop. I tried when i first got my puffer, and although i have never been able to figure out what it was exactly, i believe my puffer got sick from it. I know they say most diseases wont survive once in salt water, but in my experience i have doubts. The reason because the last time i got goldfish, the puffer eat it, no problem. I went back the next day for some more and 100% of the feeder fish had died overnight, the store would not tell me why. Within a few days my puffer stopped eating, developed Ick and some type of skin fungus. Had to treat him for almost a month with paraguard, i didnt think he would make it, thankfully he did. But it wasnt pretty. If you want to try a fish spend a few bucks for a guppy or molly, even a zebra, they are cared for better than the feeder fish, but i would do that as a last resort. I would try feeder shrimps before fish.
Mike, I would stay away from the goldfish, they offer little to non nutritional value and as feeder fish, they dont receive the best care at the pet shop. I tried when i first got my puffer, and although i have never been able to figure out what it was exactly, i believe my puffer got sick from it. I know they say most diseases wont survive once in salt water, but in my experience i have doubts. The reason because the last time i got goldfish, the puffer eat it, no problem. I went back the next day for some more and 100% of the feeder fish had died overnight, the store would not tell me why. Within a few days my puffer stopped eating, developed Ick and some type of skin fungus. Had to treat him for almost a month with paraguard, i didnt think he would make it, thankfully he did. But it wasnt pretty. If you want to try a fish spend a few bucks for a guppy or molly, even a zebra, they are cared for better than the feeder fish, but i would do that as a last resort. I would try feeder shrimps before fish.

Sounds like a bad experience, makes me definitely know to keep away from them lol. Yea I plan on trying the ghost shrimp as soon as my lfs can get them.
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