Quick clam question


Hey fellow reefers,

Just a quick question should I blow the sand off of my clams mantle?
I have been

You can do either, Ive done both, sometimes I just dont want to look at it. Reefer OCD i think, either way it will be ok
Cool thanks.

Now that I think about it I do see it periodically so it must be getting cleaned.
Just being anal just lost a nice piece of SPS that been growing nicely for the past cpl months to another piece of coral falling on it and me not seeing it. SUCKS and This Deresa Is a Show piece so do not wanna chance that.
I know the feeling of corals falling. Sometimes I think nothing can stop a monster turbo from bulldozing corals. Not even epoxy.
I've always been curious... how would a clam clean itself if sand gets inside it? I get nervous sometimes when sand is blowing around, but figure it must do it somehow..
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