red turf algea


mexican turbo snails supposed to clean this up?
anyone had experience with this stuff.
lawnmower blenny won't touch it
before anyone asks the usual questions, euroreef 135 skimmer, parameters fine, phos kit tests low but who believes them?
If it's a small patch I would haul out the rock right now. They're a pain to get rid of. And trying to scrub it off in the tank will just spread it. I've tried turbo snails and they wouldn't touch it but I've heard others having success.
is it a brown stiff algae or really red? Any pics? I know one of algaes only a naso tang would eat
not brown or stiff, definitely red turf algea after searching various sites. sorry, no pic.
If it is like a red-slime coating.. you may be able to just siphon it out. I have used airhose stuck into the rigid airline. Hooked it up to an aqualifter. Plugged the thing in and had a mini-vacuum. Works like a charm for smaller jobs.
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