Reefbrite LED lighting?


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BRS Member
Hi All,

Hope all is well. Im currently having 2 radion xr15 on my 4ft long, 2 ft tall tank. Both lights are running 90% with AB+ template. Im hoping to add more light to improve the colorings of my corals. I could have added one more xr15 but also thinking to add reefbrite led. Anyone has experience with its product?
You can get the ReefBrite add on kit for the Radions. They have good spread and add pop to your corals. I have XHO strips over my tank to supplement my Kessil a500xs. No complaints.
You can get the ReefBrite add on kit for the Radions. They have good spread and add pop to your corals. I have XHO strips over my tank to supplement my Kessil a500xs. No complaints.
Have you noticed any change in coral growth rate
The tank is new and the frags are too so I can't say. Its only been 2 months. They look good to me so far.
id go with quanta bars over reefbrite. reefbrites are poorly made and overpriced IMO
Do you use these quanta bars alone or with other light too? Would like to look at some set up. Reefbrite has mount add on the radion mount
Do you use these quanta bars alone or with other light too? Would like to look at some set up. Reefbrite has mount add on the radion mount
i dont use either at the moment, but there doesnt seem to be a radion mount for the quantas. you may have to DIY something, or maybe look at R2R and see if anyones come up with a solution. if thats not your thing, i'd just buy another radion. reefbrite feel cheap to me, and because of that are overpriced IMO.
Reefbrite xho are awesome for actinics and there spread is probably the best in the business. If you’re looking for more power in general I would add a xr30. You’re seriously under lit on a 4ft tank with 2 xr15’s. They lie in how much spread you can actually get from it. I had 2 xr15’s over a 40b and had really low numbers in certain areas of the tank.
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