reflective sheet source?


always wet hands.....
Anyone have a source for highly reflective sheet metal? I want to try to build my own refelctors but want to price out the parts first to see it is worth my time to do it first.

I found this but I am not sure about the quility do to the dimples....

The 2'x4' size works best for the reflectors I am thinking of....that should give me two of them
I have heard of people using sun tunnels from homedepot. Do a search on reef central about it. I believe there was even a pattern you can use to cut the pieces. I even think there was a thread about it in the DIY section here on BRS not long ago.
yeah I found a great page with diy patterns and everything to make a lumenarc type reflectors but I need flat stock to cut and bend to get it just right....