Remember to WEAR GLOVES when working in the tank...


Acan's are inedible candy
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BRS Member
I know it's been said many times and we've had some scary close calls with members very recently but WEAR GLOVES WHEN WORKING IN YOUR TANK!!! I stupidly wasn't wearing gloves and I cut my hand. I was in pure agony yesterday at work, called out today to see the doctor who put me on two kinds of antibiotics. I'm out of work tomorrow as well (which isn't too bad get to spend more time with the wife) and if the pain/swelling doesn't go down by tomorrow night/Sun morning I have to goto the ER for IV antibiotics :dejection: SO WEAR GLOVES and save yourself the potential pain in the you-know-what that might happen... Luckily I only cut my hand on Wed so it hasn't been too long since this has happened but it still hurts enough where OTC pain killers don't totally get rid of the pain :grey:

Truthfully it probably would have cut through the double latex gloves I usually wear so that's why I spent $22 on these bad boys. I'm sure others who have gotten infections from their tanks would say it's well worth the $20'ish bucks to further safeguard from this happening again...

Let's hope I won't be in the ER so I can update everybody saying everything is better :smile-new:
Hey everyone, I would just like to add that a Hep A vaccine would not hurt as well. It is indicated anytime there is contact with possibly contaminated water, and even though the risk is very low, you would be all set if you plan on traveling anywhere!
Sorry to hear you're in pain. I do wear my gloves, but I have to admit I hate them. Since I have small hands, they are a pain to use, but I am afraid of getting stung by my urchin or anemones, not to mention getting infected like you did. I wish someone would make a better glove. To answer planereefer, the gloves are made of a thick rubber that I doubt a knife can easily puncture. I think they were originally designed for dairy farming or something bizarre like that.
Hey man, hope u feel better.

I have heard of members here ending up in the hospital from fragging corals. Specifically Zoas. I never had that kind of reaction personally (besides the temporary stinging/burning sensation when fragging/cutting corals. :p), but I hear the advice.

My cousin had to be rushed to the hospital with "respiratory failure" a while back from handling a "dead" Blue Ring Octopus! No joke... This was in Florida like 5 years ago.

Now that I think of it, not even sure if that thing was even legal here in the US...

Always better safe than SORRY!!!
I have tried many different types, and cannot stand them. It is good advice if you can handle them. I hope you feel better
Sorry to hear Dave, get well soon. Good advice, seen it on here a bunch of times. Hands all swolen and blown up infected and all kinds of weird other stuff.
Gotta be careful!!
Hope you feel better man, may I ask what material those long gloves you bought are made out of?

No clue but I've seen them before and they're much more heavy duty than a latex glove.

And the hand is doing a bit better but I had an allergic reaction to one of the medicines :mad: Didn't end up needing to goto the ER but was able to get in to see a doctor instead so now I'm on another med for the reaction :rolleyes:
I feel your pain Dave...I reached into my old tank while taking out rock last year. Stung by a bristleworm...infection followed a few days and ended up on 2 kinds of antibiotics. Feel better!
I used to have those gloves. They are way too thick to do anything other than pick up a large piece of rock. Anything that requires the slightest bit of dexterity and you will be taking them off.

You need to find thinner shoulder length ones. If you get only elbow length, the water will go into the glove anyway.
Wow, that was really something I did not have to see!
Especially since I have a physical coming up this week!
afboundguy, I am glad to see you are on the mend.
Just curious, do you know what you actually cut your self on in the tank?
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