RO Membrane Question


I need to replace my RO filter... for the first time, its nice to have good water. But I need to know is there one filter that is better then another? Right now I have a Dow Filmtec ? TW30-1812-24 RO reverse osmosis membrane, I want to get a higher output filter, is there one company's filter that is better then another, and are they all the same size (diameter, not flow). Where is a good place to get one?

Thanks for the help
I've heard that DOW is making pretty much everyone's membranes at this point, so brand is probably not a big issue. You could go up to a 100gpd membrane, and you'd get a ton more production. (thats a 24gpd membrane)
I have a flow restirctor that you can adjust the flow, I can set it to whatever memebrane is in the housing.

I decided to go with a 75 gl per day membrane. Custom Aquatics has one for 60 bucks ( RO-DWTW3018127)

or has one for 45 (TW30-1812-75)

I can not find the custom aquatics one on the dow website, which makes me curious, the dimensions are the same, will one filter better then the other?
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