Salt Water Mixing

How long do you let your salt water mix before doing a water change?

  • Overnight

    Votes: 17 48.6%
  • 1 Day

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • 2 Days

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • 3 Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5 Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • One Week

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • >One Week

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters


Not sure what the general consensus is on this one. I don't really have a set time for mixing.

edit: Guess I should have included less than overnight but can't figure out how to edit the poll...
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Not sure what the general consensus is on this one. I don't really have a set time for mixing.

I mix my salt and put a heater in the bucket (heater in over night to get temp at the same as the main tank) turn my Mag9 on for at least 3-4 hrs.... Then I test . Usually my test is the same when at the time I mix and at the time I'm ready to change my water.

That's what I do..... I'm relatively new but no problems yet.... (yet that is) :)

I'm sure others will have different ideas.
Where is the option for mix then add once it hits the right temp? But normally it is a day before or so.

Yeah.... I usually have to add.... but when I mix my salt the temp is where I want it to be.. and usually it's a small amount that I have to add.
i keep a heater in the 30 gallon bucket as it fills with rodi then i add the salt and turn the powerhead on. by next day it is warm and right salinity .

I have ~400g water volume between tanks and I need a volume built up. I converted my old scratched display to a 135g mixing tank; I had it mixed with I/O straight, but I have started adding dowflake and now it looks cloudy?
I harly wait anytime at all, but that's not an option above.
Usually I have 20 gal. of RODI premade and at room temp ~70, then I add enough salt and mix it up for about 15 minutes then slowly drip it into my sump at about 1 gal/3-4 minutes or so. This only drops my tank temp by a fraction of a degree and have never had any problems. Even with larger water changes.
I dump it into the 400g container as soon as it disolves and it is still cold, but that is the advantage of being a crazy person and having that much volume :)
I dump it into the 400g container as soon as it disolves and it is still cold, but that is the advantage of being a crazy person and having that much volume :)

You live close to me maybe I can bring the kids to your house and save the cost of the admition the the NE Aquarium. 400 gal incredible.:)

I let it mix at least overnight with powerhead, heater, and I aerate it too.
I dump it into the 400g container as soon as it disolves and it is still cold, but that is the advantage of being a crazy person and having that much volume :)

I've heard other people doing the same thing.... the oceans not a perfect scenario 100% of the time..
Aerate RODI 24 hours (removes CO2)
Buffer 24 hours W/Aeration
Add Salt - Mix 24 Hours
Dispense into holding containers.

Typically use made up water within 10 Days.
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