Event Save the Date | April 3rd @ 7PM | BRS Presents Dr. Sanjay Joshi | Zoom Meeting

Glad that I was able to make this meeting. What an eye opener for the real accuracy of what the hobby level test kits really provide! Makes me really think about why we chase numbers to such a tight range when the tests (even the ICP tests) vary so significantly. I will now be watching the trend of the tests instead of the specific number that they provide. Thank you to the club for getting these great speakers during this time when we cannot have in person meetings.
So Bummed I missed this meeting. Would really like to see the vid. if possible.

I had gotten my second covid shot on Friday.

Now I had tested + for Covid 3 weeks ago. The only thing that I got was a sinus cold type response. Had heard some people feeling like sh** after the second 1 but figure I would be all good. Boy was I wrong. I was in bed all day if I wasn't in the bathroom trying to empty my stomach thru the inlet or outlet didn't matter.
Is it possible to burn the recording to CD and mail them? Or email the compressed password protected file? I will love to see it, thank you very much.
If anyone want the link to Sanjay's presentation email me at biggiepauls33 (at) bostonreefers (dot) org