Show me your way cool fish I'll show you mine - garden eel

Mr. Slippery,

I've always like the dartfishes too. Trouble is they are easy bullied by other fish.
Greg Hiller said:

Very cool fish. I assume that's a garden eel. If so I hope you have 6 inches of sand to burrow in. If not, that might be one reason it's not settling down.

yes it is Greg,i do have about that amount of sand so he should be ok.I have'nt seen him this morning so i will check my filter socks and if he is not there i will presume he made a burrow.
I think this would be my "way cool fish" at this point. My 5 Bar Mystery Wrasse getting the temp right. This pic does it no justice though.......


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Last edited: thinks that is beyond my budget. My garden eels continue to do well, FWIW. They change holes every so often, but come out quite a lot.
Greg Hiller said: thinks that is beyond my budget. My garden eels continue to do well, FWIW. They change holes every so often, but come out quite a lot.

That's OK, your set up, and the room you built, is wayyyyyyy beyond my budget! Those Garden Eels are pretty cool little fish.......
this is an old thread, but i wondered what the status of these garden eels were? if they are still in your tank, do you have pictures of them? how much have they grown? etc. etc.
I just saw one of those garden eels for sale at Zoo Creatures in Plaistow, NH last week. Really cool fish. Especially if you can get a bunch of them in a large setup like they used to have at Inland Reef. That would be pretty expensive though.
Sadly the garden eels only lived for about 4-5 months. I really don't know exactly why. They seemed to be eating okay, but they were still somewhat shy about coming out. I had some (still do) yellow-headed jawfish that moved closer to the garden eels holes at the end of the tank and this seemed to make them come out less often. Eventually one stopped coming out altogether, then a few weeks later the other did as well. There were no signs of disease on them.

I'd recommend if you are considering trying these guys out you have a VERY quiet tank, with almost no active fish. These guys are definetly in the 'expert' only category as initially they can be very difficult to feed.
Bummer, sorry to hear about that. They sure are an interesting species. But I'll learn from your experience and stay away from them for now. Would be cool to set up a nice 3'x3'x2' cube tank (like MikeG's new tank) just for these fish! :cool:
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