So many of you are lazy..........

this is me

I like turtles
BRS Member
How many of you are lazy..........

to clean the front glass of your tank?
I AM!!! i havent cleaned it for about a week now. I kinda like the looks of it to tell you the truth, more natural perhaps.
My glass gets dirty in like 3 days and sometimes I'm just lazy to move the magnet cleaner back and forth. And my clowns also attack the magnet when i move it around.
I'm planning to not clean for a month :D
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I think they sh*t more than they clean. I only have five astrea snails but a lot of baby astreas.
I used to have those turbo snails and god!! they poop like crazy!!
I clean mine so my lawnmower blennie will eat the algae of the LR insteadof the glass. He gets kinda mad& follows me around as I clean
I find if I dont' clean, then it'll come back to haunt me cause then I gotta use the razor to clean the coralline.
I try to do this experiment all the time I do not touch the glass for awhile hoping that the algea will take care of itself ya rite LOL
then as Lam said
I get stuck having to use a razor cause someone is coming over to look at the tank and I dont wan t it to be a mess :(
I clean the front and side glass EVERY day. Not that it gets really dirty but I just cant stand the glass not being crystal clear. Same way with my car. But I'm just a neat freak. If I don't clean it then every 3 or 4 days I get a light film where the powerheads point at the glass.
I feel the same way about astrea snail. They're useless IMO. Most of the time they just hang out near the water surface.

I do clean the glass about twice a week usually, otherwise those coraline algae will start to appear & it'll take me twice or 3 times longer to clean the glass.
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I have so many snails that even after a week, the glass dosen't look so bad. but theres like 30 on the glass at any given time, not quite pretty to look at.
I hate this so much that I tried to hook my cleaning magnets up to a mini-RC tank. I had trouble getting the vehicle to pull the magnets and still stay on the glass. On the other hand, the MIT fluid dynamics lab has assembled the first robotic snail. It uses a membrane with ridges that allows a thin coat of water to exist between the membrane and the "crawling" surface. The existing design permits only horizontal surfaces and the thing is really big and heavy. They are doing a second generation design that will allow the RoboSnail to crawl on vertical surfaces, but it is still to big and is probably not water proof.

Wouldn't it be great to have a small (1"x1") robotic snail cleaning your glass all day long...sorta like my wife's Roomba except small and water proof and able to stick to vertical surfaces?
I cant stand seeing the green film on the glass, but my wife hates the look of snails on the glass so we only have 18 in a 72 gallon tank. I end up cleaning the glass every 1-2 days.
I am looking forward to the Roomba snail :)
I think snails are pretty useless too, that's why I decided not to get any for my tank. I have one giant sea hare that cruises along the glass all day and cleans algae like nobody's business. Plus, he's way more fun to look at than a snail. I still end up cleaning with the mag-float every two days or so.