tank video

Thanks for the compliment! Iphone7 seems to do pretty well and it's fun doing top down. Would be cool to have a long handle to get close up underwater shots and some kind of remote viewing screen to see where lens is pointed.

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Thanks for the kind words! Tank started April 2011

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Very nice tank! Look at that effffflllo wow. great colony. The Acropora sarmentosa looks amazinnnng
Absolutely gorgeous. I thought all these new water proof phones were dumb. I never thought about making it a reefing accessory. :) Unreal tank.
I think I am going to do a video of my tank. That way it will make all of these beauties stand out even more. We need to document some sub-par tanks to balance out these incredible works of art. I don't think they get the credit they are due.
I think I am going to do a video of my tank. That way it will make all of these beauties stand out even more. We need to document some sub-par tanks to balance out these incredible works of art. I don't think they get the credit they are due.

Thanks for all the great compliments folks!!! sorry i'm not super active on here. i will say that i am terrible at photos. i have a very nice nikon d90 but i can never seem to get photos right. using the iphone7 is just much easier and the top-down video is a cool way to appreciate the environments we create.

Yes, that efflo was a nub of a nub from a BRS member years ago. it is really growing well now and it sets up for a real nice structure. i'm starting to get some acros growing into each other. i think i need to do some pruning here and there!...i like to go for that 'view across the room' acro-scape along with some symmetry.

Thanks again for all the kind words! -Greg
48x24x24" std 120g starphire 175g stock tank basement sump

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THANKS . Growth really accelerated most noticeably with some diverse feeding routine and amped up nutrient export.

The goldflake is prettiest as a juvenile she's bigger now but still a favorite. Every once in a while I get the thought of more fish but I don't want to upset the natives too much. Maybe a peppermint hog and one wrasse I've been looking for for years/ true psychedelic head wrasse. I also love the alpha male Labuitti but tough to keep

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