Thinking of upgrading to a All in one tank......suggestions


I've been toying with a all in one nano tank. I've looked at the Biocubes and the Nuvo Fusions. I don't particularly care for the Biocubes solely because you have to get them with the PC lighting. I wish they had an option without lighting to save on the cost of upgrading to T5 or LED. I do how ever like how there are a TON of things you can do to them skimmer, pumps, lighting etc. The Nuvo Fusions I like because the can be ordered with LEDs and come in various sizes. I am very limited on space and thing this style of system may have a benefit to me. I was curious if anyone had and suggestions one over the other or a different system. I've seen the Redsea tanks they are beautiful but I cant justify spending that kind of money on a 40 gallon tank when if I had the room could set up a 90+ gallon for the same money or cheaper.
I know that you said no to he redsea tanks but just throwing it out there that they are releasing a new tank. Redsea max comes with AI hydra 26's. Also has the option to add a dump system on later so the initial cost won't be as high. Not sure when it's hitting the market but thought I let you know so you could do some rea search on them.

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I can't say enough good things about the RedSea tanks. I've tried out some other AIO's, including an IM Fusion, but I came back to RedSea. I picked up an RSM 130-C for $550 recently, but I haven't set it up yet. I personally like hooded tanks; there isn't as much light bleed into the room, evaporation is reduced, less likely to forget to put the cover on (and lose a fish), etc.

If you are interested in a NUVO Fusion 30L, let me know. I will make you a hell of deal and I live right in Manchester.

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