Ugly clams in sump to filter water?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
To anyone who use clams as a method to filter phosphate/nitrate from water.

- How effective are they ?
- Can I put them in refugium, replacing cheato (supply with sufficient light of course)?

Thx !
If your using lighting why get rid of cheato?
Yes you can put them in fuge, get some Non-photosynthetic clams and have your cheato too.
I've seen systems with one or two in a sump but I don't think the people were relying on them as filtration. I'd add them along with your cheato, the more the merrier!
I've seen systems with one or two in a sump but I don't think the people were relying on them as filtration. I'd add them along with your cheato, the more the merrier!

yeah, it just that im starting to believe that cheato is not really that efficient in small system.
I have cheato in the VERY small refugium of a Coralife 14G Biocube. The size of my cheato is like a baseball ball and the sytem is working perfectly. I have 0 nitrates and feed corals every other day and fish every day. I change 2g of water every week too.

Every 2-3 week I have to take out cheato because growth fast.....because has food that feed it. So cheato works great for me.
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I use clam as part of the filtration system, they are not ugly and they require metal halide. The fast growth rate of deresa and squamossa do the job.
I use clam as part of the filtration system, they are not ugly and they require metal halide. The fast growth rate of deresa and squamossa do the job.

lol.. ok they are not ugly Mr.Dong :p
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