

Make it fun.
I could not believe what just happened. I was tinkering around with the and was going to pull the pre filter off of the hang on back thing, sorry about that don't know the right word, that takes the water down to the sump. So I take them off, I was going to remove them, then I saw something. It was a small fish that was mostly white. Then I looked a little harder and it was.... My missing blue spot jaw fish. He has been missing for over 3 months and presumed dead. When I got this guy 3-4 months ago I had to go out of town about a week after I got him I returned to find him gone. He has been living back there for a long time. Most of his coloration is gone I guess because he was in the dark for so long. I have put him back in the DT and turned off the lights. He looks a bit freaked right now but hopefully he will make it through this. Crazy. :):):)
Glad he turned up. Mine ended up in the over flow several times before carpet surfing they love to jump!
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
