upgrading to 125 gallon

lisa foster

Hi everyone
I am going to be upgrading to a 125 gallon tank this weekend. The only problem is I have a 48" 2x250 metal halide fixture. will this be adequet or will it be to dim on either side I know I mostly stick with leather sps will stay under lights.
Thanks in advance
6 foot tank. I was thinking I could hang a pendant in the canopy. The fixture I have is inside of a housing cannot add extra bulb
Id just add another bulb since it is such a wide tank. your idea about the additonal pendant is the way to go in my opinion
so you do have a canopy then your best bet would probobly be to try and have your existing fixture to one side then retrofit another bulb to the canopy i have a 250 retro w/icecap ballast for sale pm me if interested
I am thinking ading one 250 retrofit at the end of the fixture I have so it will span the tank. Down the line I would probably change out the fixture for all retro fits. I have not even figured out how to mount this fixture into canopy there is no way to screw it in. I am very new so this is all greek to me
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