Was it something I did?


Made my new nifty frag rack...loving it! My little orange digi was on a plug so I put it up there as well, under the halides. It's been a few days and it's now completely white. Has the light bleached it? Is it permanent? How to proceed...? Thanks guys.
What are your tank levels? Have you tested everything?
Could be too much light, might not like the flow where it is, could be many things.
Yes...only check levels once a week but as of sunday everything was right on point. It's the only thing in the tank that looks odd. I did recently get some zoa's and put them on the rack also and they are doing amazingly well, so I wasn't sure if this digi just needs lower light. I'll probably move it back down again, when I had it down it was fine, just wondering if there is such a thing as too much light for corals.
absolutely, one of my zoa frags started looking real upset until I moved it back down onto it's rock, and I know SPS/LPS are fairly light-sensitive....meaning they need a specific amount of light and anything over or under makes them upset.
Like you said...... Move it to a lower light area. Time will tell if it colors up......maybe it was too sudden of a light increase, it may have done better if it was a slower transition.
the orange digi doesnt need too much light IME, move it down and see if it will color back up again, however dont move it too far down, the extreme light change will only stress it again.
I have a frag of an awesome Zoa that almost withered away until I put it in some shade! I said naww... moved it to 3 different lighting/flow conditions... same deal... It's back in the shade now and happy (New polyps even), too bad cause it was pretty awesome when I got it.
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